Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Goal Number One

This is me about 11 months ago, taking a little walk break at the turnaround point for the Psycho Night 10K Trail Run. I figured I should slow down to wait for Rick, who can be seen chatting it up in the background there. I didn't want to get so far ahead that he couldn't catch up... I ended up finishing in 1:06.

A month or so before Adrian arrived, I told a few people that I'd like to try running this race again this year. It's August 10, which is also my 28th birthday and our 6th wedding anniversary. Seems like a good way to celebrate. I have no idea whether this goal is doable... Alright, I know it's doable, but there's a good chance I'll be stumbling across the finish line in record-slow time. I guess I'm just not sure whether it's a good idea to try to get ready for a 10K with only six weeks of training, and 12 weeks after having a baby.

All things are possible, though. No matter what happens, at least it gives me a focal point. A little motivation never hurt anyone.

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